Applying the museum

Applying the museum


The Culture and Art Development Fund of Uzbekistan presented a 3D hologram to the State Nature Museum of Uzbekistan.

“My contribution to the national heritage!” a number of new exhibits were purchased for the museum fund as part of the national campaign. “Bull”, “Mountain lynx”, “Siberian wolf”, “Arctic white wolf”, “Ostrich with baby”, “Brown bear”, “Brown bear and gray deer “exhibits and nature scenes and wall pictures made in the animalistic genre are among them.

“My contribution to the national heritage!” within the framework of the national campaign, 34 creative works from the creative works “In the eyes of Moynoq artists: yesterday and today” were presented to the fund of the State Museum of Nature of Uzbekistan by the management of the National Institute of Painting named after Kamoliddin Behzod.

“Wild Boar”, “Wolf” and “Tokayzor Mushugi” and “Morhor” tulums and “Central Asian Mountain Goat” were donated to the State Nature Museum of Uzbekistan by the Association of Hunters of the Republic of Uzbekistan. along with the horn, a skeleton of the head was presented.