

Management staff working in the organization of the State Nature Museum of Uzbekistan

Rasulov Azimjon Nozimjonovich

Director of the museum

Tursunov Ulugbek Khakimovich

Deputy director for general affairs

Khudoyberdiyev is the son of Jahangir Bahadir

Deputy director for scientific affairs

Norgabilov Murodjon Mirzoalievich

MKAHORO is the head of the department

Gaibullayev Sardor Sadullaevich

Head of the entomology department

Pirmuhammedova Dono Fakhritdinovna

Head of the Department of Geology and Geography

Abdulloeva Gularo Bekkulovna

Zoologiya bo‘lim mudiriHead of Zoology Department

Tashpolatova Dilfuza Hidayevna

Head of the Department of Ecology

Zufarov Bakhtiyar Pulatovich

Head of sector

Begmatov Dilmurodjon Abdullayevich

Chief engineer

Boqiyev Jorabek Azamovich

Head of household

Alkarov Abror Jozilovich

Head guard

Shernazarov is the son of Zakirjon Shakhobiddin

MNIATYU department head